Sotsiaalprogramm SPSV

Projekti "Sostisaalprogramm SPSV" eesmärk on sotsiaalprogrammi loomine
inimkaubanduse nõudluse vähendmiseks.
Projekti laiem eesmärk ennetada ja tõkestada inimkaubandust ja sellest tulenevat
prostitutsiooni nõudlust Eestis.
Projekti otsene eesmärk on koostada pilootprogrammi seksi ostjatele nende
hoiakute ja käitumise muutmiseks.
Projekti tulemusel valmis piloteeritud sotsiaalprogramm.
Programmis osales ja programmi läbis 12 seksiostjat.
Projekti raames loodi sotsiaalprogrammi rakendamise käsiraamat, mis sisaldab
teoreetilist, metoodilist, visuaalset materjali sotsiaalprogrammi läbiviimiseks.
Sotsiaalprogrammi koostamisse kaasati fookusgruppidena prokuratuuri, PPA
organiseeritud ja isikuvastaste kuritegude üksuse töötajad, juriste. Partneritena
aitasid fookusgruppe läbi viia Eesti Juristide Liitja IPA Eesti osakond.
Sotsiaalprogrammi loomisse kaasati seksi ostjad. Koostati uurmus Seksi ostja
Eestis: käitumine ja hoiakud.
Projekti lõpus koostatakse sotsiaalprogrammi mõju ja arendusvajaduste analüüs.

The goal of the project "Social Program SPSV" is to create a social program to
reduce the demand for human trafficking.
The broader goal of the project is to prevent human trafficking and the resulting
demand for prostitution in Estonia.
The immediate goal of the project is to create a pilot program for sex buyers to
change their attitudes and behavior.
As a result of the project, a piloted social program was completed.
12 sex buyers participated in the program and passed the program.
As part of the project, a social program implementation manual was created, which
contains theoretical, methodological, visual material for implementing the social
In the preparation of the social program, employees of the prosecutor's office, the
PPA's organized and crimes against person unit, and lawyers were involved as
focus groups. As partners, the focus groups were facilitated by the Estonian
Lawyers' Association and the IPA Estonioian Section.
Sex buyers were involved in the creation of the social program.

A study was prepared, Sex buyer in Estonia: behavior and attitudes.
At the end of the project, an analysis of the social program's impact and
development needs was prepared.

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grantssotsiaalministeerium
